The Prefix Ana Means Again or More of
a drove of miscellaneous data about a particular bailiwick, person, place, or thing.
an item in such a collection, as an anecdote, a memorable saying, etc.
Apostrophes can be tricky; prove y'all know the departure between "it's" and "its" in this crafty quiz!
On the subcontract, the feed for chicks is significantly different from the roosters'; ______ non even comparable.
Origin of ana
First recorded in 1720–thirty; contained use of -ana
Other definitions for ana (ii of v)
(of ingredients in pharmaceutical prescriptions) in equal quantities; of each. Symbol: a̅a̅, āa
Origin of ana
1490–1500; <Medieval Latin <Greek aná of each
Other definitions for ana (3 of 5)
a prefix in loanwords from Greek, where it means "up," "against," "dorsum," "re-": anabasis; used in the formation of compound words: anacardiaceous.
Also especially earlier a vowel, an-.
Origin of ana-
From Greek, combining grade of aná; no necessary relation to on
Other definitions for ana (iv of 5)
a suffix that forms collective nouns denoting an assembly of items, every bit household objects, art, books, or maps, or a description of such items, as a bibliography, all of which are representative of or associated with the place, person, or menstruation named past the stem: Americana; Shakespeareana; Victoriana.
Origin of -ana
<Latin, neuter plural of -ānus-an
Other definitions for ana (five of 5)
American Newspaper Clan.
American Nurses Association.
Clan of National Advertisers. Unabridged Based on the Random House Entire Dictionary, © Random Business firm, Inc. 2022
How to use ana in a sentence
British Dictionary definitions for ana (1 of 6)
pharmacol obsolete (of ingredients in a prescription) in equal quantities Abbreviation: aa
Word Origin for ana
C16: via Medieval Latin from Greek: of every one similarly
British Dictionary definitions for ana (2 of half-dozen)
a drove of reminiscences, sketches, etc, of or about a person or identify
an item of or for such a collection
Word Origin for ana
C18: independent use of -ana
British Dictionary definitions for ana (three of vi)
- a name for anorexia, esp when used as a personification of the disease by its sufferers
- a person who identifies himself or herself as an anorexic
describing word
Discussion Origin for Ana
C21: a play on the discussion anorexia and the daughter'southward proper name Anna
British Dictionary definitions for ana (four of 6)
abbreviation for
Article Number Association: (in Britain) an organization of manufacturers, retailers, and wholesalers that provides a organisation (article numbering) by which a product is identified by a unique auto-readable number uniform with article-numbering systems used in other countries
British Dictionary definitions for ana (v of six)
up; upwards anadromous
over again anagram
back; backwards anatropous
Word Origin for ana-
from Greek ana
British Lexicon definitions for ana (6 of 6)
suffix forming nouns
denoting a collection of objects or information relating to a detail private, bailiwick, or identify Shakespeareana; Victoriana; Americana
Discussion Origin for -ana
New Latin, from Latin -āna, literally: matters relating to, neuter plural of -ānus; see -an
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
Medical definitions for ana (1 of 3)
Both in the same quantity; of each. Used to refer to ingredients in prescriptions.
Medical definitions for ana (2 of 3)
Medical definitions for ana (3 of 3)
Upward; upward: anacrotic.
Backward; back: anaplasia.
Again; anew: anabiosis.
The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published past Houghton Mifflin Company.
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